Native Plants

Butternut - White Walnut

Hardiness: Zone 3.

Size: Tree that can get as large at 80ft. 

Planting: Full sun, fertile soils. 

Fruit: Hardy corrugated nuts in in a sticky green husk. 

Pollination: Self pollinating.

Use: Edible nuts, great for baked goods. Extremely difficult remove husk.

Current Size: 7 gal pot, 6ft tall. 

These are an endanger species in Ontario, due to a fungal disease butternut canker. 

An extremely large tree, creates a toxin juglone in the soil that prevents many other plants for growing near it. 

This was brought in by special request and very few are available, although rated zone 3, not always considered hardy, They will not carry the standard guarantee. 

Collections: Native Plants, Tree Fruit

Category: Nut tree

Type: Nut Tree

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