Our Location
We are located in Naughton, just west of Sudbury at 2500 Regional Road 55/Old Hwy 17 (may need to use 2500 Old Hwy 17 on GPS). You will see a sign at the end of the road. Once you turn off, make a quick right and head up the driveaway. Here you'll find our private residence and small orchard/nursery. Please try to respect the posted hours and and reach out prior to stopping by.
We provide local services only, we don't offer shipping of orders and you must be able to arrange pick up at our site.
Our History
Beautiful Field Farm and Fruit Trees officially opened in Sept 2021, but previously operated under the name Lewis Hardy Fruit trees from 2019 until 2021. Prior to that is was Lewis's Hardy Fruit Trees that was found by Ron Lewis in 1982.
It was Ron Lewis's dream and hobby after being frustrated with trees being offered for sale at most garden centres and nurseries. He made it his mission to seek out trees that would thrive in out climate, and he found the amazing hardy varieties being breed and researched at the University of Saskatchewan, He was one of the very first people to make these available for gardeners and growers here in Northern Ontario. His business has operated here annually in spring and Ron has been a local expert here making many presentations regarding this topic for local media and gardening organizations.
Ron has stepped aside in recent years and Phil Beauchamp, Ron's former neighbour has taken up the torch of making these hardy fruit tree's available.
Phil was always curious about what Ron or "Mr Lewis" was doing on the other side of fence and often found himself over there, admiring his giant pumpkins and all the amazing fruit trees. Of course Ron is always quick to impart his wisdom with anyone who comes to listen and Phil himself always had an interest in gardening, farming and homesteading.
So the first thing Phil did when he bough his own home was plant a whole lot of fruit trees. Of course he didn't always do things properly and had more of a "plant first and figure out why they died later" approach. Which it turns out is the best way to learn right? So between constantly nagging Ron for advice and reading as much as he could on the topic he slowly developed a serious expertise on the topic.
This has been an exciting (and demanding) opportunity for Phil who has a real entrepreneurial spirit and is deeply passionate about food security, local agriculture and permaculture practices.
Our Approach
We stand by our commitment to provide only the hardiest and most reliable fruit trees for Northern Ontario. We selects varieties with proven track records for hardiness as well as high quality fruit. We also plant and experiment with everything we sell in our own orchard/ food forest.
Contact Us
Have specific questions?
We have a great "Learning Resources" section of the website if you want to learn more about growing hardy fruit trees.