Native Plants

Thornless Honey Locust

Hardiness: Zone 4.

Size: Massive Tree which can reach to 30m in size.  

Planting: Extremely tolerant, Full sun to part shade, can tolerate dry, windy, polluted, salted soils. A great nitrogen fixer and popular permaculture tree. 

Fruit: None

Pot: 1 gal, 1-2ft tree

Honey Locust has many benefits for permaculture and now growers do not need to worry about popping tires with thorns thanks to these thornless trees - though they are seedling so some may develop thorns though most will not. Nitrogen fixing tree benefits many including bees, wildlife, and even humans: we can use the sweet (honey flavoured) pulp inside their pods in baking, tea or for brewing beer. The durable, rot-resistant wood has a variety of uses. 

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