Hardiness: Zone 5.
Size: Small shrub, may reach up to 2m.
Planting: Full sun, fertile soils.
Fruit: Big glossy black fruit.
Pollination: Self pollinating.
Use: Ok for jam, wine and fresh eating.
Current Size: 1 gal pot- 1-3ft in size.
Soft and sweet with a hint of musk, it is hard to turn down fresh mulberries! In the right climate, Dwarf Everbearing will cycle in and out of fruiting for 10-12 weeks which gives you even more time to enjoy this lovely treat. It is also perfect for container growing, making a lovely patio plant in the summer and houseplant in the winter when pruned down to 4ft.
Must be protected if remaining in the ground over winter.
This was brought in by special request and very few are available, they are also not considered hardy, They will not carry the standard guarantee.